may I see your I.D., please?

It’s another Wednesday for Saint Maria Faustina KoWalska (what else,) with a brief reflection on the Divine Mercy of God:

(144)  I have noticed that, from the very moment I entered the convent, I have been charged with one thing; namely, that I am a saint.  But this word was always used scoffingly.  At first, this hurt me very much, but when I had risen above it, I paid no attention to it.  However, when on one occasion a certain person (perhaps Father Sopocko) suffered because of my sanctity, I was very pained that, because of me, others can experience some unpleasantness.  And I began to complain to the Lord Jesus, asking why this should be so, and the Lord answered me,  Are you sad because of this?  Of course you are a saint.  Soon I Myself will make this manifest in you, and they will pronounce the same word, saint, only this time it will be with love.

Photo courtesy of Pinterest
Photo courtesy of Pinterest

hugs n’ holy blessings today and always!

3 thoughts on “may I see your I.D., please?

  1. I felt your hugs and blessings! We are the perfect age and in the perfect circumstances (regardless of the mess) to serve God. I heard a quote at church a couple of weeks ago that has stuck with me, “A miracle begins with a mess and ends with a message.” Let’s not be afraid of messes, but instead expectantly look for the message God would have us to share with others!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your wisdom! I LOVE IT!! The Holy Spirit has an amazing way of bringing hearts (and hugs😊) together; thereby blessing us all as a result! I hope ours collide more often!
      The quote you shared affirms a blog I drafted…thank you for Serving God as His messenger affirming where He is leading me! A miracle is on the way!!! Hugs & Blessings to you, my new friend! 😇


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