humble confidence.


My godson & I went to the movies together today!

Tom and I have been friends since I was 12 years old.  And when he decided to join the  Catholic faith several years ago, both Cuppycake and I were honored to be asked by him to be his Godparents.


Many, many, many, (maybe not THAT many) years ago, when we first met, we’d go to the snack-shack together during the 7th inning stretch of the baseball games, of which Tom was the local high-school bat boy for.  Tom loved the ice cream sandwiches and I always got the foot-long green-apple gum rope.

Instead of baseball, Tom and I now enjoy going to the movies together; even though we still have differing opinions on the snacks!  Tom insists on the need for popcorn…even when we attend a morning matinee or he’s forgotten to wear his dentures, while I prefer to stick with red swedish fish or bit-o-honey’s.

No matter the activity…we still make great snack-mates! Continue reading “humble confidence.”