mission impossible

it’s the monday giggles…

Sent my husband to the grocery store with this list…

then turned my cell phone off.

hugs n’ blessings for all those in search of something today.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7

8 thoughts on “mission impossible

  1. I can’t stop giggling!!! Tee hee! Love it! I must share this with my daughter-in-law. I’m back my friend and SLOWLY acclimating to my life at home. I’m playing catch-up. I may or MAY NOT have treatment next Tuesday. My counts still came in low. I returned from Abilene with a virus and a heart full of memories with my precious “kids” and grandkids. I hope to get back on here soon. I love you dearly and hold you, and my beautiful shawl, close to my heart.


      1. Aww, thank you, Dawn. I’m FINDING my joy however I can! I love your words~they’re beautiful and healing! Blessings and love sweet sister. Stay safe and joyful as we find strength in our Lord!💕🥰🙏🏻💪🏻💪🏻💛❤️

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