new friends

For many years I have been following a practice introduced to me by a very dear friend, who is the editor of a Newsletter I subscribe to.

The Spirit of Medjugorje.

Medjugorje, located in Bosnia-Herzecgnovia, is a very special place – and for those of us who have had the good fortune to travel there can attest – there are many graces delivered when one visits with an open heart to the Lord and Jesus’ mother, Mary.

Each year the editor of The Spirit of Medjugorje, June, randomly chooses the name of a saint to be the “holy protector” for the Newsletter for the year.

St. Faustina’s (my gal-pal) community used to do this every year on New Year’s Day (Saint Faustina’s Diary, #360). This can be a fun and educational thing to do with your family and friends. Almost always, there is a connection between the saint and the person or group who randomly picked it.

Although any list of saints can be used, there is one my friend recommends on the website, www.mary’ Simply download the pdf with the names of the same Saints created by Saint Faustina’s community, tear/cut them into individual slips of paper, place in a bag/box/bowl & pick one from the large selection randomly!

Continue reading “new friends”

humble confidence.


My godson & I went to the movies together today!

Tom and I have been friends since I was 12 years old.  And when he decided to join the  Catholic faith several years ago, both Cuppycake and I were honored to be asked by him to be his Godparents.


Many, many, many, (maybe not THAT many) years ago, when we first met, we’d go to the snack-shack together during the 7th inning stretch of the baseball games, of which Tom was the local high-school bat boy for.  Tom loved the ice cream sandwiches and I always got the foot-long green-apple gum rope.

Instead of baseball, Tom and I now enjoy going to the movies together; even though we still have differing opinions on the snacks!  Tom insists on the need for popcorn…even when we attend a morning matinee or he’s forgotten to wear his dentures, while I prefer to stick with red swedish fish or bit-o-honey’s.

No matter the activity…we still make great snack-mates! Continue reading “humble confidence.”

the little crown

St. John the Evangelist saw a woman crowned with twelve stars, clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet.  According to the commentators, this woman is the Blessed Virgin Mary, with her virtues and her privileges, especially that of her divine maternity.

Thus originated the Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which many saints made it a practice to recite frequently.

St. Louis De Montfort even gave this prayer to his religious families (The Montfort Fathers and the Daughters of Wisdom) as their morning prayer.  He also recommended it to all those  who embrace the devotion of the holy and loving Jesus through Mary. Continue reading “the little crown”