and the winner is….wait, what?

Blake Shelton
Reba McEntire

Tomorrow night is the 49th Annual CMA Awards held in the United States and I hope Cuppycake and I will be able to  spend a little time watching some of our favorite artists take home a few well-deserved awards! (Not to mention listen to some really great performances and oogle’ over the fabulous fashion styling!)  And whether MY favorites are honored or not, it is always nice to watch people  recognized for their hard-work!  Admittedly, I’m one of those individuals who would rather have ‘participation awards’ for everyone, but I do appreciate & admire the talents of others and am excited for their achievements.

And since the CMA Awards are so huge and will be followed by millions of viewers I have decided to hide among their many accomplishments by taking the opportunity to say thank you to some very special followers who have recognized me with a few blogging awards.  (Imagine my surprise when I was notified!)  I now know what the performers mean when they stand there on stage, award in hand, and cannot come up with the “right words” to thank their voting audience.  I admire so very much the fellow-bloggers who have nominated me that I am giddy-with-excitement to humbly say, “Thank you!”   I fear I’ve been holding on to accepting them out of ‘cyber-stage-fright’ but I truly do want to thank them properly.  There are a few important steps to walk through in accepting these honors in an appropriate way; however, I have condensed the process in fear of ‘running off the cyber-stage’ before I become tippity-tap-typeset-tied & fumble the words!!

Two particular Awards I actually received when I first began blogging:


I was Awarded The Versatile Blogger Award through Cherry at Cherita Story!  I have enjoyed her youthful, spunky, writing voice and have missed her postings.  She has not written since early 2015 but I do so very much hope-ity-hope she will return! Perhaps my ‘ping-back’ will inspire her to do so!


Another blogger who has not updated her site for quite a period of time, but was kind enough to award me The Liebster Award was, noplainjanie!   I love, love, love the images, color, and cheerful personality she writes with & I do hope she too returns to her blog-space very soon!!

Last but not least one of my kindest followers, Anand from blabberwockying!  Anand awarded me two separate honors!  The Liebstser Award, the same Award as noplainjanie listed above, and also The Sunshine Blogger Award!  I have loved discovering Anand’s bloggity-blog site as he has exposed my heart & my thoughts to many interesting aspects of living.  He has a courageous spirit and cannot be outdone in his generosity!  He is very affirming to fellow blog-writers and I look forward to reading his perspective on many topics.


When receiving an Award in cyber-world you are asked to do several things:

*Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person(s) who nominated you!
*Include the Award sticker in the post too and be sure to answer the questions from your nominator(s)!
*Nominate 5 -10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award! 
*Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.

Because I have just now collected the courage to accept these Awards there is a plethora of questions to answer which have piled up from the three wonderful bloggers who nominated me! How I have chosen to handle my dilemma is to take an itty-bitty sampling of questions, (from each of the three,) to answer; so that I do not over-whelm anyone with data, yet hopefully keep it interesting  for you while honoring my nominators! (Fingers-crossed!)

Why exactly do you write?

I have always journaled.  I actually still have old Diaries from my youth and have journaled using various mediums throughout my lifetime.  My blog is an opportunity for me to journal in cyber-space! It is a personal attempt to catalog my thoughts as I tippity-tap-type them off into the cyber-world! 

Do you believe in miracles? If yes, have you ever seen one?

Yes! And yes! First and foremost I do believe the gift of life is not merely scientific…I believe life itself is a miracle.  And that my life has been saved, sinner though I am, by a redeeming God is a miracle. Having said that…there have been two miracles thus far I have been witness to.  While praying a Rosary on a silver-beaded Rosary my husband had custom made for me by a local woman as a Christmas gift…the beads turned from silver to gold in the course of prayer.  This all took place after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje where this has been reported to have happened on multiple occasions.  The prayer intention I had been praying for during this transformation to my Rosary indeed was eventually fulfilled.  (The woman who made the Rosary for me verified in writing she used silver beads, while a local jewelry store verified their now gold composite. This evidence was turned in to the study of miracles at Medjugorje.)  Lastly, I acquired a ‘healing cloth’ during our pilgrimage to Medjugorje, which I took to the hospital with me upon hearing our god-child was gravely ill.  The dr’s at our local hospital gave permission for the cloth to be placed with her, amongst her wrappings, prior to her being air-flighted to a nearby Major Medical Hospital.  Her survival has been said to be ‘miraculous.’ 

Which is your best memory?

Besides the marriage to my husband and birth of my children…reading my favorite childhood book, Island of the Blue Dolphin, while sitting in my favorite Chestnut tree in the side-yard of my childhood home.

Do you feel you are at peace with yourself?

Yes, profoundly…

Who is your guide, guru or counselor?

My Lord, my God, my Saviour!

What makes you feel very good?

When someone asks me to pray for them.  Or values my opinion.

Which quality or habit in your life do you like the most about yourself?

My ability to listen.

What is your best quality?

My loyalty.

Which is more important, Heart or Brain?


What are your two greatest quotes of all times?

“The truth is like a lion.  It does not need defending.  Set it free.  It will defend itself.” St. Augustine

It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.”  Ursula K. LeGuin

The Versatile Blogger Award I pass on to:

oliveole!, Maria at Silence Speaks,  & Phoodie and The Beast!

The Liebster Award I pass on to:

Catherine at Atypical60, Roses Near Running Waters, and Nan at Nan Tubre Writes!

The Sunshine Blog Award I pass on to:

Oneta at Sweet Aroma, Patrick at Red Dog Garage, and darlydarly!

For each of my Award Winners…Please just use the same compilation of 10 questions I used above!

i love that others have enjoyed my cyber-journaling and i love that God has used each of you to bring me such joy!

hugs n’ blessings for all the ways you each have given to me!

Love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10

5 thoughts on “and the winner is….wait, what?

  1. I think you got the quote wrong from Ursula Leguin!! I think it’s something about a journey and a destination, but it’s escaping me :)!! Just kidding. inside family joke ((LOL) Congratulations Red!! Much deserved.

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