there is a place…

There is a place of blessing

where LAUGHTER comes easy

and hard times are SHARED;

where KINDNESS is valued

and LOVE never spared,

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blessing the darkness

Some people might say that we find God only when we need Him. Simple words, but true. It’s like looking for the light switch in a dark room. No one goes searching for it until the sunlight has gone. Similarly, darkness can impel our search for God.

I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night – but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.

Psalm 139:11-12

Genelle Guzman-McMillan was the last survivor pulled from the wreckage after the destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001. Genelle tells the story about flirting with faith but choosing to live without it. Then, on September 11, her world fell apart and she found herself in complete darkness, buried alive under a mountain of rubble.

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Character costs

I don’t believe God wastes anything. He knows that even the most painful, bewildering circumstances can produce a life of beauty and grace if we allow them to be molded by his creative hands. What matters to him is not so much the circumstance itself but what He intends to do with it.

These past 2 months He pulled me away from this beloved writing space to use my time differently. Baby squishes, remodeling projects, story times with tiny friends, and quantitive discerning prayer.

No time has been wasted!

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