good guidance

He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.

Proverbs 10:17

Picture the sheep being guided by the shepherd. When it begins to wander, the shepherd will gently use his rod to steer it in the right direction. If the sheep still doesn’t correct itself, the shepherd will have to use more force. Occasionally, the sheep might get completely off course, and this could distract other sheep who will easily follow the wrong path.

This is how the Bible likens our spiritual journey. 

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did you know?


(And I’ll be passing out) hugs n’ blessings when He does.

*A great deal of mystery surrounds our personal existence as human beings, our origin and our destiny. We did not ask to be created, nor did God ask us. Out of pure love, he created us and endowed us with many gifts, both natural and supernatural. Like the steward in the Gospel who must give an accounting of his stewardship, we must give an accounting to God. The final scrutiny will center around our faith and our love — both of God and man. Jesus is our model for both. He has also left us a graphic description of the Last Judgment in Matthew (25:31-46).

To listen more about (Plan A) – I personally recommend the video below:


All you who

put your hope in

the Lord

be strong

and brave.

Psalm 31:24

It takes courage to follow God where we sense Him leading. Sometimes the path is clearly obvious – a well-worn trail blazed by the Saints that have gone before us. However, there are other times that we sense Him leading in a new direction, on a new path. In some ways, it’s not even a path; it’s an uncharted trail that has yet to be traversed.

Courage isn’t something that comes naturally to most.

Continue reading “thrive.”