not enough time

I have been mulling over a BUNCH of stuff recently.

A deep-thinker by nature – this is not an uncommon occurrence.

Most especially, God often places me in a period of contemplation during the Lenten Season. And I must admit, even though the “mulling over” involves different thoughts & matters each year, this liturgical time has become a seasonal rhythm for when God does a good old-fashioned Spring cleaning on me! Yup! Once again, He has been polishing and purging my interior life; which can be a bit painful & perplexing, but always life-giving in the end.

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good guidance

He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.

Proverbs 10:17

Picture the sheep being guided by the shepherd. When it begins to wander, the shepherd will gently use his rod to steer it in the right direction. If the sheep still doesn’t correct itself, the shepherd will have to use more force. Occasionally, the sheep might get completely off course, and this could distract other sheep who will easily follow the wrong path.

This is how the Bible likens our spiritual journey. 

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they’re back!!!


I’m back, too!

Back at home in PA, that is!

And thankfully Spring has followed me here…

at-least it is ATTEMPTING to!

Continue reading “spring-ing”