one way

it’s the monday giggles….

That’s one way to look at it.

and it’s my birthday….

That’s one way to go about it.


the two combined are bound to create an avalanche of amusement!

That’s one way to handle it.

Are you ready?

I know I am!

Heading off one way

So far the avalanche of amusement has been covered in flowers, as I’ve spent the past several days leading up to my birthday gleefully immersing myself with the pleasure of planting.

And while I’ve spent this time with my hands in the earth adding color to it’s warm brownness – I have had the uninterrupted grace of reflecting on the path God has taken me down, while contemplating where it may lead next.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve experienced many lessons during the 34 weeks I spent working with the Ignatius Online Retreat through Creighton University.

I’ve learned what it truly means to be indifferent in a life-giving Holy way.

I’ve embraced a peace the world cannot give.

I have a renewed affection that everything really just boils down to love.

It’s all about love.

And the mystery of our everyday lives is that Jesus is with us.

It’s just we often don’t recognize Him.

He has “better” in mind.

He has “blessed” in mind.

He has “holiness” in mind.

We may not see or recognize what that looks like (yet) but

we will experience the GLORY of it one day.

I look forward to this 32nd anniversary year of my 21st birthday. I know God is challenging me, as He did Peter about the degree of his love. How much? How much do you love me?(John 21:15-17)

How much, Dawn Marie?

Peter denied Him three times and yet I see that the one who denied him three times is able to say that his love is three times stronger for that. (John 21: 1-19.)

Aren’t these the same movements we too can experience? Our Joy, with Jesus, can become fruitful. We too are sent by the love we have for Him. And having grown in love for Him, we do grow in love for His mission.

And so it is, on the beginning of yet another New Year of life-experiences, that I seek to answer Him.

I’m not sure what my answer will involve or where it will take me; but, I enthusiastically say Yes to wherever it will lead!

And that’s definitely one way to go!

My annual birthday letter….

Dearest friend Jesus,

I feel you with me now, close by my side, holding my hand as I begin the way down the road. I’m not sure where it is leading, but I know that I am both following you and walking with you as we go. Peacefulness has seeped into my soul and I feel like nothing can disturb me. Together we will walk through this world, through this life, and I will have the love and care that have changed my life. My life is different now than it was 34 weeks ago. In some ways I am very changed and in some ways I am so much the same.

It seems like what I do with my life will be different now. I know I will make choices that people won’t understand, and I will face decisions that frighten me. Sometimes I will fall back on what I know best or what is easiest and will make the wrong choice. But I know I can turn to you, look into your eyes, and talk about it. Help me, gentle Jesus, as I try to continue living a life of self-giving, not considering my needs first but those of others. Give me the wisdom and courage to make the right choices, to have a faith that does justice and a life that always cares for the poor.

I know that I am not perfect and maybe – finally- I understand that is something to rejoice in! I can be happy in my imperfections and my weaknesses because it is there that you come to me so gently to support and love me.

I feel you with me at all times, in all that I do and in everyone I see. Give me the patience and insight to recognize you in the people who hurt or frighten me, the people I don’t understand. Let me see your eyes looking back at me when I speak to them.

What I want the most, what I feel so very deeply, is that I want to live a life where you want me to be and give as you want, without hearing the self-serving echoes of the world.

Please help me in my struggle to be free from anything that keeps me from loving and serving you. All I want in my life is to love you.

Thank you so much for all you are in my life. Please accept these tears in my eyes, the great love in my heart, and the life I offer to you. It is everything I have.

Give me only your love and grace. I want nothing more than to go One way – with you.

hugs n’ blessings from me 2 you on my special eat-cake-for-breakfast-day!

20 thoughts on “one way

  1. Happy Birthday Dawn Marie!! May you have a Blessed Day and year of gifts from God that will stay with you forever! I’m excited to see where this journey takes you. All my love- Dan

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Birthday, Dawn Marie! Thank you again for an absolutely beautiful post where LOVE triumphs and life is portrayed in all its Godly potential. Blessings and appreciation to the Lord for you and the Gift of writing He has given you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oneta, I feel so blessed that God has crossed our paths. Your kindness is always sent to me when I need it most and I feel God’s encouragement through your warm outreach. Thank you for being an instrument of His voice and for your faithful belief in me. Hugs & Blessings my dear, dear friend!


  3. Happy birthday to you my dear friend ❤️ May all of your birthday wishes come true today and every day ❤️ We will celebrate your day soon! I love you more than you can even believe and know😘

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dawn, your birthday post is beautiful!
    The desire for, and gift of, His love and His will, is our blessing of joy. You have such a gift Dawn. Thank you for sharing His love with all of us. A Blessed Birthday to you❣️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly, Katy for the very sweet words of encouragement. I am humbled to hear them from you – a woman I admire greatly! May God always keep us in the company of one another! ❤️


    1. Thank you, Mom! Indeed it was!! Always tickled to have you stroll through my cyber-place – and it is extra-special to have the double well wishes from you too!! HuGS for all the tender love and care you share!


    1. Thank you Karen! There seems to be a small technical glitch with my messages so my apologies with the late response. I am delighted to receive your birthday well wishes and indeed it was a delightful celebration! Hugs to you for your kindness to wish me well!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you kindly for taking the time to stop by to read and reply! For some reason (tho) your message just reached me today – despite when you originally sent it. My apologies along with my gratitude for your kindred spirit! Hugs and blessings sent your way for your kind patience with my delayed reply! 😘


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