stored up in a bottle

*Today’s post comes from a beautiful reflection in the Be Still Devotional written by Lisa Brenninkmeyer. You can continue to follow along with these daily devotions on the Hallow app or by purchasing a copy of Lisa’s book through her organization Walking With Purpose.

“Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under.”

Matthew 2:16

Herod had paid attention to prophecies of Jesus’ birth, but instead of responding with worship, he felt threatened by this Jewish king. When the wise men didn’t tell him who or where the baby was, Herod had all the male children in Bethlehem and in that region age two years old and under murdered.

The Catholic Church remembers the loss of these precious children on December 28, the Feast Day of the Holy Innocents.

It’s a horrific scene to imagine, and something we might want to turn away from. Focusing on the massacre of babies, most especially during this time of year, is the opposite of bringing Christmas cheer.

But the Church insist that we not look away.

Continue reading “stored up in a bottle”



Have you ever read something that left you feeling as if it had been written



I’ve been having several of those moments within these past weeks & months.  The material has come from multiple sources and has applied to various circumstances; but none the less, I have marveled as my Heavenly Father has led me to each one.

It’s as if He’s handing me important pieces to the jig-saw puzzle of my life. Continue reading “bounce”