

they’re back!!!


I’m back, too!

Back at home in PA, that is!

And thankfully Spring has followed me here…

at-least it is ATTEMPTING to!

Continue reading “spring-ing”

baby bump

So in love already…

Our daughter and son-in-law are expecting their first child.

And our entire family is eagerly awaiting the warm welcome we will bestow upon this ‘little-one,’ as he or she becomes the newest added member to our (oft’ times) crazy family-unit this Spring!

There are so many things I can already imagine doing with and for our expectant grandchild! And don’t even get me started on the special feelings & emotions that take place when your own child is expecting one of their own. (Tissue Box alert!) Is it just me???  Because as the weeks go by and the big day draws closer and closer I have found you want to share so many things you’ve discovered while raising them. All of which now seem to have become bygone-days, far too quickly!

Continue reading “baby bump”


it’s the monday giggles…

Why does this always happens to me when I’m outside raking?!?Photo courtesy of Pinterest

(Fingers-crossed) Spring sprung this Weekend in our NW area of Pa!

And in my local neighborhood…

kids were outside playing until way past dusk,

people of ALL ages were seen bike riding,

every breed of dog could be found being walked,

and Cuppycake raked the yard!

(Yep, it’s official…the rake is out.)

I wish I’d have taken a picture of He and Helen out there together…

Cuppycake would rake a pile of fallen sticks & Helen would carry the pile, stick by stick,  back out into the yard to be scattered once again.

(As you might imagine Helen & I were the only two who thought it was adorable.)

Yard work is a serious order of business in our household.  Every member of our family owned their own personal rake while living at True North.  Most kids around the age of 3 or 4 get a red-rider wagon in the fall…ours received toddler sized rakes instead.

We had them in every size & width. Flat edged, scooped, tightly tined to loosely fitted, (which always had a nice bounce as it scraped across the ground surface I might add.) I never knew they made rakes in so many different materials either until I met Cuppycake.  Metal, plastic, willow, & bamboo to name just a few.  And every year, without fail, he’d arrive home from a hardware store visit with “the Best Rake ever invented.” Guarnateed to cut yard-work in half (for all of us…)

Things have improved, mind you, since our move to North Star…we have downsized to 3 hand-chosen rakes which remain.  But not to worry, Cuppycake makes certain the matter is still handled with authority & laser-beam focus.  You can always be assured that at the end of the day’s task there will not only be neatly raked, all in a row, perfectly-proportional in every way piles, BUT there will also be another compiled list of 3 more (until recently unthought of) NEW projects to complete this summer as a result!

Image 4-17-16 at 10.51 PM

This year it looks like concrete will be involved.

I think I need to begin training Helen to carry the rake away instead….

hugs n’ blessings to all the idea makers out there!

(And those who contend with them all!)
